Cheaper WordPress Solutions
You Probably Don’t Need That Expensive Plugin
Solutions That Don’t Cost Megabucks
Yes, I’m a cheapskate. For good reason. As a developer for social enterprises, aka nonprofits, I’ve learned you can almost always find a cheaper, or free, solution to a problem.
One doesn’t necessarily need the highest priced theme or plugin that’s available. In the following website posts, I’ll show you show to save money by virtue of my experience.

Great Tool for Documenting Your Website
ShareX makes marking up a screen for documentation purposes a breeze. Why? Because you can capture info off the screen, instead of having to create an image file-this solves two problems. It doesn’t interrupt your work flow, and you can use one tool for the complete process. Here’s what I…
Converted Chromebook to Linux
Thus, killing two birds with one stone: I’ve wanted a Linux PC for a while, but I didn’t want to sacrifice one of my Windows PC to do it/ and my cheap Acer c720 Chrome book was starting to get really sluggish. So, I had nothing to lose, relatively speaking,…
Query Monitor Success
Query Monitor solved my problem After helping a friend test drive a couple of plugins, one of my sites started behaving badly. The load time went from 2 seconds to 5, which is not acceptable. Everything worked fine, I just had this lag that I couildn’t figure out. Suspicious that…
Do You Want to Code Forever?
Life On the Off-ramp Since I’ve retired (life’s career off-ramp), my attitude has changed on a lot of things: politics, self reflection, work habits (that’s a joke). With the Covid Crisis, life is more like having a wreck heading down the off-ramp. But, things go on, as they must. Like…
Add an Image to Header with Grid
Update–this article is pretty much out of date now. Between using GeneratePress as a theme, and WordPress Full Site Editor, this can all be accomplished with those tools. It does offer some useful information if you want to use header widgets, though. Have you ever had the desire to add…
Better Breadcrumbs–A Plugin Comparison
Breadcrumbs can be so frustrating, yet so useful. They give users a shortcut to other parts of your website, as well as a snapshot of the site hierarchy. But, you have to implement them correctly. This is how I accidentally discovered that, and a neat trick by comparing two plugins:…
Hacking Work: Breaking Stupid Rules for Smart Results, by Bill Jensen
Got this for one penny at Amazon. Of course, shipping was $3.99, but it’s still a great deal. The book doesn’t have a boiler plate of tools to use for hacking, but it does give a good sales pitch about the risks and benefits. By the way, the work hacking…
Vendor roulette
Two days ago, a client reported a problem that I suspected was on the web host side. They couldn’t upload media files. This has happened before with Dreamhost, and it was resolved by calling them, and having them clear a cache somewhere. I chatted with a support lady for 90…
Officer, why are you in my room with a flashlight?
I was talking with my landlady last night, and she asked me if I was upset about the cops coming into my room. Say what? This is another episode of my crazy dealings with renting living quarters in Maryland. Some of you may remember a previous landlady’s son being thrown…
Linux update
A while back, I posted a story about my adventures with Linux on an older PC. I was stymied at the time, but I have made significant progress since then. The memory boards I had ordered (and didn’t work), were replaced–good job,, and they fit just fine this time….